According to the news for The Star Online and various local media, Lennox Firm-Up Collagen Drink is found to be contaminated with diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) plastic additive!!!
ps: According to the news from Malaysia Ministry of Health Official Website, the batch of Lennox Firm-Up Collagen which is contaminated with DEHP is F1104001.
"The Health Ministry has instructed Leton Products (M) Sdn Bhd to withdraw its products as traces of DEHP was found in one of its ingredients, a grape-flavoured concentrate from Taiwan that is produced by CZC Bubble Tea Supplier. The hazardous additive was also found in CZC's strawberry syrup." quoted from The Star Online.
ps: According to the news from Malaysia Ministry of Health Official Website, the batch of Lennox Firm-Up Collagen which is contaminated with DEHP is F1104001.
Actually I don't think I have taken this before.. The packaging is not attractive enough.
But actually it's very famous, although I never try b4 too. U can c a huge 3-D advertisement of this product at the junction leading to mega mall mid valley ...
OMG!!I drank them couple of times before ><lll
i did bought a few big bottle for my stock keeping. the taste is nice. but how now should i return the rest of the big bottle to guardian and get my money back?
Hi there, according to the press released, malaysia MOH has confirmed that the batch affected has a batch number of F1104001. If the batch that you have bought is not of the above batch number, it should be safe to be consumed. If the batch you bought is the same batch number as above, maybe you can bring the remaining bottles and receipt back to Guardian pharmacy to ask for re-fund. I'm not sure is it possible but you may ask.
i jz thought i want 2 try it yesterday cz my friend's appearance seems 2 b more supple n fairer..hmm..so sad cz i really want 2 try it!!
Mindy, Can u pls recommend me which brand of collegen is effective and budget? Thanks
may i ask u mindy,where did u read that only that particular batch is affected and others are safe to be consumed? im a bit worried bcus when i googled it all other websites said the ministry bans it n its unsafe to be consumed.
So sorry for the late reply, didn't realize there are a few questions.
To mei mei and anonymous, personally I haven't tried lennox collagen drink and NH colla plus before, but some of my friends who took these do have better skin complexion. I'll say lennox is a more economical choice for collagen drink, but I understand the ban on it previously might give public the insecure feeling, including myself.
I read from ministry of health official web that only that particular batch affected, the link is included in my blog entry.
Everybody wanna get that Collagen Drink
please reply me in anyhow i could contact you to ask more about this drink. I have bought the lennox plus
please reply me with any ways to contact you back. thank you
Research is required to be done before selecting the best collagen drink in the market. Read the testimonials and do verify the authenticity of those testimonials.
I baru saja ambil Lennox FirmUp Collagen Drink dan agak terkejut bila terbaca artikel pasal Lennox FirmUp Collagen Drink yg telah tercemar dengan DEHP. OMG!! I terus call KKM, so xperlu risau lagi, hanya 1 shj yg tercemar iaitu Lennox Firm-Up Collagen Drink dari nombor batch F1104001. produk keluaran seterusnya dijamin tidak mengandungi DEHP
Hi Mindy. Im a manufacturer that sells PURE Collagen. Can you pls contact me as im looking for wholesalers. Michael Yap 012 345 2230
HI Kenny Yap, Can you email me @ kumushay@hotmail.com? I am interested and I have a huge market base.
I just bought 3 bottle. One for men and 2 for women. Cost me around rm275 promotional price from.Sasa city.square.johor bahru. Batch no is FN 1402001. Expired 6/2/16. Help. Is this safe.
Good sharing, NH Colla Plus a super-concentrated marine collagen beauty drink launched under the NH Beauty Series, contains 5,000mg of marine collagen, natural Vitamin C and red grape juice concentrate to give you gorgeous skin. For detail review visit:
I have avoided all supplements including collagen drink made in Taiwan since 2011, it is so scary. Some brands would mislead you to believe they are Japanese brand, in fact, it is made in Taiwan. For example, putting J'pan in the brand name. This is nothing more than a scam. Don't believe it even it is printed in the box as "Made in Japan", there is no label law in Malaysia controlling this.
it's have a comfirmation from kkm ? and that's true about this " According to the news for The Star Online and various local media, Lennox Firm-Up Collagen Drink is found to be contaminated with diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) plastic additive!!! " ??? anyone please answer me .
it's have a comfirmation from kkm ? and that's true about this " According to the news for The Star Online and various local media, Lennox Firm-Up Collagen Drink is found to be contaminated with diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) plastic additive!!! " ??? anyone please answer me .
I just bought 3 bottles of this collagen >< 1bottle taste horrible and smells awful. The color turn deep black and I accidentally drank 1 small bottle of it without knowing the color. Just when I swallowed the smells sting my nose. When I check the expiry date it is in 2019. May I know if this Lennox collagen brand is still safe to consume?
I have been doing a bit of reading on this too..and only found the entry by KKM in 2011 and only a particular batch was affected which is F1104001...subsequent few batches checked during that time were fine. You can see link of the media press here: http://www.moh.gov.my/index.php/database_stores/store_view_page/19/154
I have been taking this for the last 6 days now and have seen quite a bit of change in my skin texture which is more supple and less acne. In terms of brightness it's questionable.
Thanks for your info....
nice blog, thanks for sharing this valuable information about keep sharing
Sun experiments by skin project
I started using lennox firm up after my skin face becomes very dry.I have finished 6 bottles.I
can see changes to my skin but the dryness n itchiness remains.I just read about the ban in 2011 aftr consuming the drink. Now in 2020 is it save. If the ban has not been lifted i will stop drinking immediately. Please respond
I also bought these lennox a couple days b4..
Any recommendation? Should I discontinue this product or just consume it consistantly as they are safe for 2020..
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