I like monkeys and orang utan a lot, they are so adorable and human-like. Last week when I was at Kota Kinabalu (KK), Sabah, we went to kinabalu park on the first day, basically was to kill our time. @@
There's a great variety of wild animals, which include tiger, bear, elephant, monkey, bird etc. We saw this cute, well-trained and smart orang utan in the animal show, I forgot his name, just remember he's a 6 month-old baby orang utan. Baby?? He's around a the height of a 12 yr-old boy I guess.

Doing some paintings... Actually he was just splasing paint to the drawing board.

This is interesting. He had to move the small candy using a long stick, from one edge to the other so he could eat it. This clever creature easily move the candy in few seconds, then pop the candy into his huge mouth.

See how he manipulate the long stick.

He cheated this round. Bent down, put his hand into the box and pulled out the candy which was stuck at the inner side of the plastic box.

One of the trainers. He enjoys it when the trainer hug and pad him, just like a small baby. They are good brothers, or son & dad. :)
u like orang utan and monkey a lot?u should be posted to taman negara or sabah.
Wei, touch wood!!!
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