Friday, February 22, 2008


近來覺得自己過得好平淡,每天就這樣百無聊賴地過日子。 上班時忙得不可開交,除了每天的工作,手頭上還有2個project,一天到晚對着電腦,想到就覺得厭煩! 下班后也沒什么特別的活動,不外是到外吃頓晚餐,看看Astro,反正就是Boring! 回到KL時,就偶爾逛街,跟朋友見面,看場電影。想要做點比較不一樣的事情,但不知道要干什好。。。


Min said...

Hey, I understand your feeling. Sometimes I feel 'sien' also, everything like repeating and repeating again. Anyway, maybe it's time to plan a trip together. What about Redang? I haven't been there before till now...

GodhandAkira said...

me also sien wat, hahaha. We both staying in Temerloh, what else other activity we can do? sien also, :(
But it is life of working....

Mindy said...

Yeah, we shall plan for a trip min. I never been to Redang too, let's find a suitable time and have fun!!!

I only activity I can do in Temerloh ---> watch Astro ><

Mindy said...
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betties said...

Please take a easy ,the time is going very fast and you are still young.From you friend betties.^__^..